Friday, July 6, 2012

ISI officer provided cartridges for 26/11, claims Abu Jundal

ISI officer provided cartridges for 26/11, claims Abu Jundal

New Delhi: A day after Pakistan said it rejects any insinuation of state support for the terrorists who ravaged Mumbai in 2008, Abu Jundal has provided crucial details that suggest the opposite. The terrorist has said that an officer from Pakistan's military intelligence agency, ISI, provided two cartons of cartridges that were used during the 26/11 attacks.

Jundal is in the custody of the Delhi Police after he was deported from Saudi Arabia last month. The ISI officer he refers to is Major Sameer. Jundal is originally from Maharashtra; he has said he was in a control room in Karachi which coordinated and instructed the ten terrorists who opened fire at Mumbai landmarks, killing 166 people. Over the last few days, his interrogation has led to references to a series of ISI officers.

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