Friday, July 6, 2012

Olympic experts confident over cyber attacks

Olympic experts confident over cyber attacks

London: Technology experts running the 11,000 computers and servers at the logistical heart of London`s 2012 Olympic Games say they are confident of defending their systems against attempted cyber-attacks.

Atos, which has been the lead technology firm for the Summer and Winter Games since 2002, said Tuesday it had carried out more than 200,000 hours of testing — including mounting simulated attacks.

Its systems handle venue scoreboards, tournament data, accreditation and workforce management.

Michele Hyron, the company`s chief integrator, said the firm had drafted in ethical hackers — specialists capable of mounting attacks, but who use their knowledge to test systems rather than disable them.

Atos expects about 12 million cyber security events each day during the Games, but says less than 20 per day will require investigation.

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