Thursday, February 7, 2013

Mapathon 2013: Create better maps for India

 Google India has announced Mapathon 2013, the country's first mapping competition. It is a crowdsourcing initiative aimed to improve Google Maps in India

As they say:

Here at Google Maps, we’re constantly looking to make our maps of the world as comprehensive and detailed as possible. And, in order to create better maps for India, we need everyone’s help. That is why today we’re announcing India’s first ever mapping competition: Mapathon 2013.

Mapathon 2013 — which starts on February 12 and culminates on March 25, 2013 — is an India-wide   mapping contest open to just about anybody who lives in India. We’re inviting Google Maps users from all over the country to help us create better maps for India by adding knowledge of their neighborhoods through Google Map Maker. And there’s something in it for everyone! The top 1000 mappers in India stand a chance to win Android tablets, smartphones, gift vouchers and Google merchandise. The registrations for the competition have just opened, and we’re inviting everyone to join us and get mapping at: "

Contribution makes work easy :)

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