Saturday, July 7, 2012

Karnataka Chief Minister Sadananda Gowda to resign tomorrow, say BJP sources

The BJP is set to change leadership in Karnataka. Sources say Chief Minister Sadananda Gowda is expected to submit his resignation to party president Nitin Gadkari tomorrow; Minister for Rural Development, Jagadish Shettar, will be chosen as legislature party leader. Mr Shettar has the backing of BS Yeddyurappa, much as Mr Gowda had less than a year ago. A decision will be announced tomorrow after Mr Gowda meets Mr Gadkari in Delhi.

Mr Gowda is in the Capital, where he had detailed discussions with senior BJP leaders including LK Advani this evening. Before leaving for the Capital, he visited a Ganesh temple in Bangalore and then told NDTV that he was ready for whatever his party asked him to do. "I am going to Delhi, and party leaders will decide. I am ready to quit if my party high command tells me to," he said. The famous smile had dimmed, but not entirely faded. 
Party spokesperson Ravi Shankar Prasad evaded a direct answer on Karnataka saying there would be a decision soon, but sources say the decision that Mr Gowda would step down was taken at a BJP core group meeting held today in Delhi at Mr Gadkari's house. The party's Parliamentary board, the highest decision-making body, is expected to meet on Sunday evening to ratify the core group's decision to make Mr Shettar the new Chief Minister of Karnataka. Karnataka's MLAs are expected to meet on Monday. 

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