Friday, January 4, 2013

Ubuntu: Now for Smartphones

Ubuntu on smartphones
The Ubuntu operating system has been adapted to run on smartphones. The code will initially be released as a file which can be installed on Samsung's Galaxy Nexus phone, replacing Android.

Ubuntu's founder, Mark Shuttleworth, said he was in talks with manufacturers for devices to be sold with the system       preinstalled within the year.

It is for the first time in history you have the full consumer PC platform available on a phone.

The new version has been designed to work on last and current-generation Android handsets which share the Linux kernel. This means Ubuntu can re-use existing software drivers to control the hardware. 

When docked, the phone will act in the same way that a conventional PC does, and allow standard Linux programmes to run.


When running on phones Ubuntu can be controlled by the "head-up display" (Hud) option it introduced last year.This allows users to type or say what command they want a program to carry out rather than having to click through menus.

However it's quite a tedious task. They are not the first company to try and drop a desktop operating system on a mobile device and nobody has ever been able to make it work. Microsoft tried to foist something that looked and felt like normal Windows on a mobile phone and they had to screw it up and develop a separate phone system.

Manufacturers can adapt the look of Ubuntu's interface to suit their brands


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